Although I'd rather be sleeping, I do love this time of day when it is still dark out and things are quiet. I live in Vancouver's West End, too close to Robson Street, and quiet is not a state associated with this part of town; but at this hour, there is a bit of a respite - the bars have closed and the yahoos have made their drunken way home, there are few cars around and the birds are still silent.
I received some yarn on Friday. All sock yarn ... my new addiction. This yarn (finally) came from WEBS. I ordered this on March 26 - after been lured in by the "we are having a sale" email. They mailed it on March 29 - I guess it took the scenic route!

I finished a pair of socks last night (will have to wait until I get to the office tomorrow to scan a photo) and immediately started on another one from the yarn at the far right. They will be Jaywalkers.
The timer just went off ... must retrieve the laundry from the dryer. Wonder what exciting thing will come next? I'm hoping for a bit more sleep!