Pattern stitch is from More Sensational Knitted Socks. Which pattern stitch is it? Your guess is as good as mine. The book is at home and I'm posting this from the office - so I can't check it. Yarn is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in the Red Rover colorway.

The blue socks were knit for my son's birthday - the first pair I've knit for him. He loves them and they fit perfectly. Pattern stitch is Garter Rib from Sensational Knitted Socks.

I've been pretty good on the "stash improvement" project since I cleaned out and organized my closet last month. However, I just knew this restraint was too good to last. Here are this week's additions to the tightly knit (!) stash family:
Some Kauni, in the "EJ" colorway. I'm blaming Bets for this purchase ... why should I take full responsibility? She placed a big order with Astrid's Dutch Obsessions and blogged about it. Who am I to pass up the opportunity of a never-used before online buying source and the fun of receiving a package from the Netherlands? By the way, the yarn is lovely, but I think the best part of receiving this parcel was the little extra addition of a piece of Dutch spice cake ... was that ever yummy!
I'm not sure what the Kauni will become yet, but more than likely a shawl or stole.

Four skeins of Dream In Color Smooshy - all destined to become Christmas presents for family members.

I've been spending a lot of time at Ravelry. That place is brilliant, but sucks all the knitting time out of what is left of my day once I am done with work!